How to Detoxify in Seven Stages

How to Detoxify in Seven Stages

Our bodies are under attack every day by toxins due to the environment, stress, unhealthy diets, careers and many other outside sources beyond our control. The effects of these toxins compile, causing a myriad of ailments and other more serious conditions. Regular detoxification can help rid your body of these harmful toxins. Detoxing can be done in 7 stages.


Drink only liquids in the first stage of detoxifying. Drink fresh vegetable or fruit juice, herbal teas or vegetable broth.


Add fruit to your liquid diet. These alkaline foods help neutralize the acidic waste during detox. Apples, pineapples, mangoes, grapes and watermelon are the best and will act as a natural laxative.


Add raw vegetables. Try raw garlic, fennel, watercress, dandelion leaves and parsley. Try adding these to raw veggie salads.


Eat cooked vegetables and brown rice (which is easily digested). Cooking the veggies for a short time with a small amount of water will help them maintain as much of their nutrition as possible. Try leafy greens, leeks, globe and Jerusalem artichokes and beetroot.


Try beans, lentils, raw nuts and seeds. These are great sources of protein, but they shouldn't be mixed with the starchy rice (it slows digestion to mix protein and starch).


Add whole grains and yogurt with live cultures. Whole grains, such as rye, buckwheat, barley and oats are great sources of fiber and minerals. Avoid wheat while you're detoxing.


Begin eating fish. The essential fatty acids in cold-water fish will help with your complexion. At this stage, you can gradually start adding in the foods you had omitted during your detox diet, adding dairy and meat gradually, since they are more difficult to digest.

Tips & Warnings

Goat or Sheep's yogurt is easier to digest than cow's yogurt.

Buy organic foods when possible.

Drink plenty of water to help flush your system.

Introduce solid foods gradually.

Consult your physician before beginning this detox diet. Especially if you have any health issues.

Don't try this diet if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

If you are on any long-term medications, consult your doctor.