How to Dissolve Warts

How to Dissolve Warts

Warts are small growths that can appear anyplace on the body, but usually grow on the hands and feet. There are many methods to remove warts: Sometimes it's best to seek medical treatment or even try over-the-counter treatment, but there are a number of folk remedy cures you might try first if the wart is not severe.

Things You'll Need:

Duct tape

Apple cider vinegar



Milk weed or dandelions

Garlic cloves


Use apple cider vinegar to dissolve the warts. Mix an equal amount of vinegar and glycerin in a small container. Apply this solution daily to the area around the wart. When the wart is completely dissolved, discontinue use.


Apply duct tape over the wart, or the area affected by warts. Leave this tape on for a week and remove. Check to make certain that the warts are gone. If not, apply a new piece.


Bruise garlic and tape it to the affected area. Leave the garlic on for one week. Check and reapply if necessary.


Cut a piece of banana skin somewhat larger than the wart. Place it on the wart and secure with duct tape or a bandage. Check the area every other day and change the banana skin regularly until the wart is gone.


Find a milkweed plant or a dandelion. Plop off the head of the flower to get the sap from the stem. Use the sap from either plant and apply it directly to the wart daily until the wart disappears.

How to Discuss Ayurvedic Treatment With a Doctor

How to Discuss Ayurvedic Treatment With a Doctor

Ayurvedic medicine is based on the traditional medicine practiced in India. It is estimated that a large percentage of people in India still use Ayurvedic medicine to treat their medical conditions. If you have been diagnosed with a medical problem, you may wish to discuss getting Ayurvedic treatments with a doctor.


Speak to your regular doctor first before seeking out Ayurvedic treatments. You may be advised to stick with traditional Western medical practices.


Find an Ayurvedic practitioner in your area. The National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine is an organization that can help you locate a doctor in your area.


Discuss your aims with the practioner. Ayurvedic medicine involves the use of diet and herbs to restore the body's balance. Ayurvedic treatments cleanse the body of substances that cause disease.


Get an overview of the beliefs of Ayurvedic medicine. Components include the need for balance, the body's desire for harmony with the universe and wellness achieved through exposure to a wholesome environment.


Ask the Ayurvedic professional about your dosha balance. The three doshas are the vata, pitta and kapha. The doshas control the activities that take place in the body.


See what treatment options are offered. Your treatment may include exercise, diet changes and the use of medicinal oils.

Tips & Warnings

When you first talk to an Ayurvedic practitioner, ask what type of training he has gone through.

Not much research has been done on the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine. Concerns include that the herbs recommended may be toxic.

How to Detoxify in Seven Stages

How to Detoxify in Seven Stages

Our bodies are under attack every day by toxins due to the environment, stress, unhealthy diets, careers and many other outside sources beyond our control. The effects of these toxins compile, causing a myriad of ailments and other more serious conditions. Regular detoxification can help rid your body of these harmful toxins. Detoxing can be done in 7 stages.


Drink only liquids in the first stage of detoxifying. Drink fresh vegetable or fruit juice, herbal teas or vegetable broth.


Add fruit to your liquid diet. These alkaline foods help neutralize the acidic waste during detox. Apples, pineapples, mangoes, grapes and watermelon are the best and will act as a natural laxative.


Add raw vegetables. Try raw garlic, fennel, watercress, dandelion leaves and parsley. Try adding these to raw veggie salads.


Eat cooked vegetables and brown rice (which is easily digested). Cooking the veggies for a short time with a small amount of water will help them maintain as much of their nutrition as possible. Try leafy greens, leeks, globe and Jerusalem artichokes and beetroot.


Try beans, lentils, raw nuts and seeds. These are great sources of protein, but they shouldn't be mixed with the starchy rice (it slows digestion to mix protein and starch).


Add whole grains and yogurt with live cultures. Whole grains, such as rye, buckwheat, barley and oats are great sources of fiber and minerals. Avoid wheat while you're detoxing.


Begin eating fish. The essential fatty acids in cold-water fish will help with your complexion. At this stage, you can gradually start adding in the foods you had omitted during your detox diet, adding dairy and meat gradually, since they are more difficult to digest.

Tips & Warnings

Goat or Sheep's yogurt is easier to digest than cow's yogurt.

Buy organic foods when possible.

Drink plenty of water to help flush your system.

Introduce solid foods gradually.

Consult your physician before beginning this detox diet. Especially if you have any health issues.

Don't try this diet if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

If you are on any long-term medications, consult your doctor.

How to Detox From Aspartame

How to Detox From Aspartame

Aspartame is a dangerous sugar substitute added to diet foods. Using it over time can cause side effects such as headache, diarrhea, dizziness, anxiety and depression along with many others. Aspartame poisoning can mimic many other diseases. Follow these steps to detox from aspartame poisoning.


Eliminate aspartame from your diet. It causes a toxic buildup of formaldehyde and DKP in the body.


Consult a doctor or nutritionist for help in your detoxification plan. If you are experiencing serious symptoms, a doctor's advice is crucial.


Eat cruciferous vegetables. These vegetables are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussels sprouts.


Take dandelion and milk thistle during the detox process. Ask your health food store clerk or an herbalist for proper dosages.


Ingest golden seal and echinacea to boost your immune system. Echinacea is popular for protection against colds.


Add a magnesium gluconate supplement to your diet. It helps prevent cell damage from excitotoxins as well as strokes and heart attacks.


Wait 60 days and see if your symptoms improve. If they don't, you may need to eliminate other toxins from your body, but you should consult your doctor first.

Tips & Warnings

It's best to eliminate all excitotoxins from your diet, such as monosodium glutamate(MSG), hydrolyzed protein, yeast extract, autolyzed yeast, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and cysteine supplements.

Alternative medicine doctors such as holistic practitioners, chiropractors, osteopaths, and Oriental medicine doctors are often the most knowledgeable about aspartame poisoning.

To find sweeteners which are safer than aspartame, look for a healthier sweetener resource list on the Internet.

Be sure to take a good quality vitamin/mineral supplement during the detox process.

Don't try to eliminate caffeine from your diet at the same time as aspartame. They both can be very addicting which would make any withdrawal symptoms worse.

How to Daydream

How to Daydream

Daydreaming is a great way to escape from the stresses of everyday life. Even though daydreams are often impossible and silly, they can help you relax and let your mind wander free. If you'd like to learn how to daydream effectively, just follow these steps.


Find a quiet, comfortable place where you can be alone. Try a cozy chair in a quiet room of your house or close the door to your bedroom and lay down on the bed. Make yourself as physically comfortable as possible.


Remove all distractions. No cell phone, MP3 player, radio or television allowed. Let your friends and family know that they are not to disturb you. If you can't escape noise, try using some earplugs.


Give yourself time to wind down and relax before you begin daydreaming. Take some deep breaths, and slowly relax the muscles in your body.


Close your eyes and clear your mind. We're constantly bombarded with thoughts about our hectic schedules, projects at work, problems at home and more. Every time such a thought pops into your head, force it out. This can be quite challenging, so be persistent.


Choose a situation for your daydream. Don't limit yourself. Remember, the point of daydreaming is to get away and imagine things that may not be possible in real life. No situation is impractical or too ridiculous.


Let the situation unfold in your mind, just like a regular dream or a movie. After awhile, your thoughts will effortlessly turn the situation into a story.

How to Make Clothes Look Vintage

How to Make Clothes Look Vintage

Major American retailers make millions of dollar each year offering lines of "new" clothing, like t-shirts and jeans, that are "distressed" for a vintage look. Garments that look worn, lend an air of comfort and ease, which is why they're so popular.


Use medium grit (80 to 120) sandpaper to distress fabrics. Lay the item on a flat work surface. Slide a cutting board behind the area to be distressed.


Sand along the front of a color cotton t-shirt where the collar meets the body of the shirt. Use the sand paper to scuff over the area of the breast pocket and along the waistline where a belt buckle rubs the fabric.


Wash and dry new jeans before distressing them. Use the sandpaper across the seat of the jean, along the edge of the front pockets and at the knees. Use varying pressure with the sandpaper to wear some areas thinner than others.


Take a single-edged razor blade and make a shallow cut just below the area of the knee of the jeans. Put the jeans on and squat down to tear through the cuts. Wash the jeans to fray the tears.


Scuff up the collar and cuffs of long-sleeved shirts. Sand each of the buttons a little bit to give them an aged look.


Add shoulder pads to a thrift shop sport coat to give it a retro look. Cuff the sleeves back over themselves twice to show off a silk lining. Replace the button with large, four-hole buttons or, for women, shank buttons with filigree trim.

Tips & Warnings

Chlorine bleach fades color but also weakens fibers.

How to Make Chocolate Icing

How to Make Chocolate Icing

Chocolate icing is so yummy on cakes, cupcakes and brownies. Here is a simple recipe for making chocolate icing from scratch.

Things You'll Need:

1/4 cup melted butter (not margarine)

1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1/3 cup milk

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1/4 tsp. salt

3 cups confectioners sugar


Gather the ingredients needed. You will also need a large mixing bowl, a beater and a spatula.


In the large bowl, combine the butter and cocoa powder. For a better consistency, do not use margarine in place of butter. Beat these ingredients on a medium speed until mixed thoroughly.


Next, add in the milk, vanilla extract and salt. Beat at medium speed until smooth.


Gradually add in the confectioners sugar, continuing to beat a medium speed until the icing is smooth and creamy. For a thinner icing, add 1/2 teaspoon of milk while beating.

How to Make Boxer Shorts

How to Make Boxer Shorts

Boxer shorts are a relatively easy sewing project, and you can make them for both men and women. A popular alternative to jockey shorts for men and comfortable sleep or athletic apparel for women, boxer shorts can be made by following a simple sewing pattern.

Things You'll Need:

Fabric and notions

Chalk or colored pencil and pins

Sewing pattern

Sewing scissors


Sewing machine


Choose your fabric. Popular choices range far beyond regular cotton. Try silk, crepe de chine, flannelette or a silky synthetic fiber.


Purchase a boxer shorts sewing pattern from your local sewing shop or an online retailer of sewing products. You can find a popular variant at Sew Thankful (see Resources below).


Follow the instructions included with your sewing pattern to transfer the outline of the pattern onto the material you've chosen to use to make the boxer shorts. Cut the fabric, marking the center-front line on both the left and right sides of the material, since this is where your fly is going to be.


Set the lower portion of the front crotch curve by sewing a line that runs about 5/8 inch from the inside of the leg to 5/8 inch above the front of the fly. Your seam allowance should wind up about 1/4 inch from the stitching that defines your crotch curve.


Choose a side for your fly front to lap over. Usually, men's boxer shorts have a fly lap that runs left-over-right and vice versa for women. With a colored pencil or piece of chalk, mark the side that's going to lap over with an "LO" and the side that you plan to lap under with an "LU."


Use about 1/4 inch of fabric for your lap under. Make sure your lap folds match up with your center-front line, and allow about 1/8 inch of breathing room to either side when you sew the fold.


Use horizontal topstitching across the top and bottom edges of the fly to complete it. The fly's top edge should be at least 2 inches beneath the eventual location of the elastic waistband.


Join the back to the front at the inner-leg seam of each side of the shorts.


Pin and sew your crotch curves, clip them and finish your seam.


Finish the hem. Each leg will have a raw edge dangling. Fold it under to the desired length, and then pin it down and hold it in place with topstitching.


Add the elastic waistband. Fold the width of the elastic band you're going to use, plus 1/4 inch of extra fabric, into the "wrong side" of the boxer shorts. This will form the casing, which you will now close with a topstitch.

Tips & Warnings

Boxer shorts do not need to be fitted, since they are designed to be loose-fitting items of clothing. You simply need to know the waist size of the wearer, and even then you still have flexibility because of the elasticity of the waistband.

How to Make Bottle Cap Earrings

How to Make Bottle Cap Earrings

Would you like to make an artsy pair of earrings and recycle at the same time? Why not try your hand at creating bottle cap earrings? If you purchased these at a craft gallery, you'd likely pay a small fortune, but you can make them quickly and easily at home for almost nothing. So, start collecting those bottle caps and get ready to make bottle cap earrings.

Things You'll Need:

Two bottle caps of your choice

Base metal wire in a color that matches

Two silver tone fishhook earring findings (also available at craft and bead stores)

Silver tone 22 gauge craft wire

Several small beads of your choice to coordinate with your bottle caps (make sure the hole is large enough to fit onto your craft wire)

Round nose pliers

Access to an electric drill


Gather your supplies

Save bottle caps at home in a jar so you can use them in the future for making bottle cap earrings. You should be able to get the remainder of your supplies at your local craft or bead store.


Prepare your bottle caps

After you've selected the bottle caps to use for your earrings, drill a hole into each bottle cap about a quarter inch below the outer rim. The hole should be large enough to insert your jump ring.


Attach jump rings

Use your flat nose pliers to open each of your two jump rings by gently separating the ends. Slide the open end of your jump ring onto the hole drilled in the bottle cap. Use your pliers to close the jump ring securely so that the ends touch without a gap.


Add beads

Lay out the beads you want to add to your design. Cut a length of craft wire about an inch longer than your chosen beads. Using your round nose pliers, make a small loop at one end of the wire and attach it to the jump ring of each bottle cap before closing it off with your pliers. Add your beads to the length of wire before making another round loop at the top to attach to your earring hook.


Attach the earring hooks

You're not ready to attach your fish hook ear wires to complete you bottle cap earrings. To do this, gently separate the loop on a fish hook ear wire and insert the top loop you made previously on your craft wire holding the beads. Close off the earring wire securely using your round nose pliers. You now have a completed pair of dangly, bottle cap earrings complete with beads.

Tips & Warnings

If you want to simplify this project, you can skip the beads and attach the fish hook ear wire directly to the jump rings on your bottle caps for super quick and easy bottle cap earrings.

How to Make Bermuda Shorts

How to Make Bermuda Shorts

Bermuda shorts are popular warm-weather clothes for both men and women. These loose-fitting, casual-wear shorts usually come to within about 1 inch of the knee, and you can make a pair by cutting up old pants or following a specialty sewing pattern.

Things You'll Need:

Sewing pattern

Old pants or jeans

Medium-weight woven fabric

Fly zipper


Elastic backing

Make Bermuda Shorts From a Pattern


Visit your local sewing store to find a Bermuda shorts pattern. Often, these are considered "retro" patterns, owing to the fact that Bermuda shorts were most popular during the 1960s. Also, you can check for short-pants patterns that double as Bermuda shorts like those at Pattern Review (see Resources below).


Use a woven, medium-weight fabric to make your Bermuda shorts. Recommended choices include denim, linen, heavy cotton, chino and twill.


Follow the specific directions given in your sewing pattern. These will vary considerably from pattern to pattern. However, no matter which pattern you pick, you'll need to delineate a center-front line, add the zipper, sew in crotch curves and hem the legs.


Allow extra fabric if you want to add a cuff to the bottom of your shorts. You should allow an extra 1/2 inch of fabric to tuck into the cuff you form before you sew the hem.


Finish the shorts by sewing in the waistband or the elastic backing. Do this by turning the shorts inside out and placing the waistband or elastic where you want it, allowing about 1/2 inch of extra fabric atop the waistband. Fold that extra fabric down, use it to secure the waistband in place and seal the deal by topstitching it into place.

Turn Old Jeans Into Bermuda Shorts


Mark the point at which you want your Bermuda shorts to end. Usually, they fall about 1 inch above the knee.


Use sharp sewing scissors to cut the legs off your jeans or pants at the point you've marked.


Add colorful sew-on or press-on patches to decorate your new Bermuda shorts. A wide variety of colorful patches and accessories will be available at your local sewing center. You can also find lots to choose from at a site like Trim Fabric (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

If you convert an old pair of jeans into Bermuda shorts, you can use a utility knife to scrape the bottom of your shorts and create a frayed look.

Allow for shrinkage when you make your initial fabric cuts. Cotton in particular loses about 5 to 10 percent of its total size after its first time through the washer and dryer.

How to Make Basketball Shorts

How to Make Basketball Shorts

There's nothing quite like the comfort of customized
apparel. If you want to make your own basketball shorts or make a pair for your family's favorite hoops nut, you'll need a pattern, the right fabric, equipment and a little sewing know-how. With a little care and effort, your homemade basketball shorts will be a slam dunk.

Things You'll Need:

Waistband elastic (with optional drawstring)

Fabric and notions

Sewing pattern


Buy a pattern for the basketball shorts. A site like Langs Sporting Goods can give you ideas for fabric styles and contrasts popularly used (see Resources below).


Consult the person for whom you're making the shorts. Find out whether he has any specific style preferences--basketball shorts are usually worn longer than they used to be. If so, simply follow the directions on the pattern, allowing for the appropriate amount of extra length.


Choose a specialty fabric, such as polyester-dazzle cloth or polyester-mesh fabric. Basketball shorts are usually made from breathable material and are often made of fabric with a shiny or glossy finish.


Trace the pattern on the fabric, using pins to delineate the grain lines, center-front line, leg sides and leg bottoms. Exact directions will vary from pattern to pattern, so read and follow the instructions closely.


Cut the fabric, marking the hips, waist and inseams with notches or pins. Work from the outside in, sewing the outsides of the legs together first and working your way in to sew the crotch seams. It is not necessary to make a fly on a pair of basketball shorts.


Hem the leg openings to create a smooth, even finish. Tuck 1/4 inch of material up inside the leg openings, and secure it by sewing it into place.


Add the waistband last. To sew the waistband, turn the fabric inside out and place your waistband elastic about 1/2 inch beneath the top of the shorts. Fold the 1/2 inch (or so) of material down over the waistband and sew it into place using a topstitch.

Tips & Warnings

If you're using a shrinkable fabric, allow some extra length when you make the basketball shorts. Some fabrics contract as much as 20 percent after the first run through the washer and dryer. If you're in doubt, ask a sales associate at the fabric store for advice.